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Description: 主对话框中嵌入多个子对话框 用group box与子对话框建立关联 是VC软件开发常用的方式,对初学都很有帮助
Platform: | Size: 60805 | Author: 邻水 | Hits:

[Button controlcheck控制gorup组框-说明

Description: 本程序介绍一个由check组框来控制内部控件使能 在要使用的工程中添加类CCheckableGroupBox 在资源中属于这个组框的控件设置group项目 在使用的类中 坐组框的变量映射 CCheckableGroupBox m_groupD CCheckableGroupBox m_groupQ CCheckableGroupBox m_groupZ 在使用类的初始化中 m_groupZ.SetTitleStyle(BS_AUTOCHECKBOX) //Default to check box already in class m_groupZ.SetGroupID(1) m_groupQ.SetTitleStyle(BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) m_groupQ.SetGroupID(0) m_groupQ.SetCheck(1) m_groupD.SetTitleStyle(BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) m_groupD.SetGroupID(0) SetTitleStyle:函数中1BS_AUTOCHECKBOX:为方型框.2BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON:为原型框 SetGroupID函数:参数中为1:不用内部控件不用选择group项目,为0要选择 Setcheck函数:参数为1:enabel,为0:unenable-the procedures introduced by a group check box to control internal controls so as to enable the project to use the added category CCheckableGroupBox resources belonging to the group box set of controls group projects in the category sitting Group variable frame mapping CCheckableGroupBox m_groupD CCheckableGroupBox m_groupQ CCheckableGroupBox m_groupZ the use of the initial category m_groupZ.SetTitleStyle of China (BS_AUTOCHECKBOX) / / Default box to check m_groupZ.SetGroupID already in class (1) m_groupQ.SetTitleStyle (BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) m_groupQ.SetGroupID (0) m_groupQ. SetCheck (1) m_groupD.SetTitleStyle (BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) m_groupD.SetGroupID (0) SetTitleStyle : 1BS_AUTOCHECKBOX function : a square box .2 BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON : prototype box SetGroupID function : as a parameter : I do
Platform: | Size: 66810 | Author: 张连成 | Hits:

[GUI Developcheck_frame

Description: 使用CheckBox代替Frame/GroupBox的标题-The example of using checkbox to replace the title of Frame or GroupBox
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: Creating a Group Combo Box
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 肖伟强 | Hits:

[Button controlcheck控制gorup组框-说明

Description: 本程序介绍一个由check组框来控制内部控件使能 在要使用的工程中添加类CCheckableGroupBox 在资源中属于这个组框的控件设置group项目 在使用的类中 坐组框的变量映射 CCheckableGroupBox m_groupD CCheckableGroupBox m_groupQ CCheckableGroupBox m_groupZ 在使用类的初始化中 m_groupZ.SetTitleStyle(BS_AUTOCHECKBOX) //Default to check box already in class m_groupZ.SetGroupID(1) m_groupQ.SetTitleStyle(BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) m_groupQ.SetGroupID(0) m_groupQ.SetCheck(1) m_groupD.SetTitleStyle(BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) m_groupD.SetGroupID(0) SetTitleStyle:函数中1BS_AUTOCHECKBOX:为方型框.2BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON:为原型框 SetGroupID函数:参数中为1:不用内部控件不用选择group项目,为0要选择 Setcheck函数:参数为1:enabel,为0:unenable-the procedures introduced by a group check box to control internal controls so as to enable the project to use the added category CCheckableGroupBox resources belonging to the group box set of controls group projects in the category sitting Group variable frame mapping CCheckableGroupBox m_groupD CCheckableGroupBox m_groupQ CCheckableGroupBox m_groupZ the use of the initial category m_groupZ.SetTitleStyle of China (BS_AUTOCHECKBOX)// Default box to check m_groupZ.SetGroupID already in class (1) m_groupQ.SetTitleStyle (BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) m_groupQ.SetGroupID (0) m_groupQ. SetCheck (1) m_groupD.SetTitleStyle (BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) m_groupD.SetGroupID (0) SetTitleStyle : 1BS_AUTOCHECKBOX function : a square box .2 BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON : prototype box SetGroupID function : as a parameter : I do
Platform: | Size: 563200 | Author: 张连成 | Hits:


Description: 这是用两个按钮来控制一个组合框控件的编程问题,,,,,!-This is the two buttons used to control a portfolio box controls programming problems ,,,,,!
Platform: | Size: 1882112 | Author: 王克强 | Hits:


Description: 一个局域网内聊天传输文件的工具,不需要服务器。比较多的小功能,很实用。 主要功能: 1、可以进行群聊。 2、点中名字前的复选框要以说消消话。 3、可以群发文件,可以发给指定的人(选中复选框),也可以发给所有人。 4、选中某人,点"blacklist"可以将它加到黑名单中。此人的所有发言及发文件将被单向滤掉。但他前不知道。选中黑名单中的人,点击"blacklist",可以将此人从黑名单中去掉。 5、支持在线改名。名字冲突时后起名的需要改名。 6、支持和QQ一样的表情系统。 7、按上slt+shift+z可以将程序呼出。 8、所有聊天记录自动保存在"history.dat"文件中。 9、当探测到局域网内有更高版本时,会自动提醒升级。 -a LAN chat tool to transfer files, no server. More small function, practical. The main functions : one can communicate with a group. 2, points name before the check box to say Consumers Consumers then. 3, the mass document can be sent to the designated person (selected check box), also be given to all. 4, selected a person, click on "blacklist" can be added to its blacklist. All of this statement and documents will be made one-way filtered out. But he did not know before. Selected blacklist of people and click "blacklist", the person can be removed from the blacklist. 5, support online name. Names named after the conflict the need renamed. 6, support and QQ as the expression system. 7, on slt shift by z procedures can be exhaled. 8, all chat logs automatically deposited
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: luowang | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: ss | Hits:


Description: 设定窗口背景的小程序,使窗口内不再是空白一片,有图内嵌-set a small window background procedure, the window is no longer a blank, embedded map
Platform: | Size: 226304 | Author: 菜进粥 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopCurtainBox

Description: 百叶窗式面板组 界面比较酷,大家可以借鉴-louver panel-group comparison Cool interface, we can draw!
Platform: | Size: 1913856 | Author: lsw | Hits:

[Button controlCGroupCheckBox_source

Description: 有CheckBox的GroupBox,有CheckBox的GroupBox-a CheckBox the GroupBox, CheckBox the GroupBox
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: yingkou | Hits:

[GUI Developsxgroupbox

Description: 很cool 的group控件类 用起来方便的很!下阿下巴-Very cool type of group control is very convenient to use! Under the chin, the Arab-Israeli
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: hxx | Hits:


Description: 按钮控件及分组框的应用,例子短小精悍,往多多指点-Buttons and group box control application, for example, dapper, pointing to more
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 张永康 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopControlColorTest

Description: 包括组合框、单选按钮、复选框和静态文本等控件的字体和背景色的修改。VC6/VC2005下调试通过-Change Group Box、Check Box、Static control s font and backup color . Build sussfully in VC6/VC2005
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: kent | Hits:

[GUI DevelopGroupBox

Description: 一个扩展字体和颜色的GroupBox,可设置Group Box的字体类型、颜色和大小。-An expansion of fonts and colors of the GroupBox, you can set Group Box of the font type, color and size.
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 王作 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsGroupSparseBox

Description: group sparse box matching pursuit
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: karol | Hits:

[Button controlGroupControl_src

Description: CGroupControl is a CButton-derived class which assists with the use of group boxes (i.e., buttons with the BS_GROUPBOX style). The CGroupControl makes it easy to enable/disable, show/hide, or move a group. No code is required in the group s parent, as this is done automatically whenever the group control itself is enabled/disabled, shown/hidden, or moved. The control also includes a mechanism to allow you to perform any action on each control in a group.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: tkha | Hits:


Description: 模仿日常生活中所使用的计算器,自行设计一个简单的计算器,能实现简单的计算功这是一个简单的对话框窗体设计,涉及Botton,Editox,Static Text,Radio Botton,Group Box等控件,主要响应事件为BN_CLICKED。能。 -Imitation of life used in the calculator, to design a simple calculator, a simple calculation to achieve success is a simple dialog form design, involving Botton, Editox, Static Text, Radio Botton, Group Box and other control The main response to the incident as BN_CLICKED. Can.
Platform: | Size: 344064 | Author: yuanyudong | Hits:

[GUI DevelopMy_GroupBox

Description: 一个非常漂亮的GROUPBOX分组功能的VC代码,可以很容易做出功能很强大的GROUP功能-A very nice feature of the VC group GROUPBOX code, you can easily make a very powerful feature of the GROUP
Platform: | Size: 577536 | Author: hahaha | Hits:

[GUI DevelopGroup-box

Description: 在cshrap中群组框的应用,主要通过基本信息和性别分类设计使用了群组框-Group in the group box in cshrap applications, primarily through the design of basic information and use sex-disaggregated group box
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: DK_pis | Hits:
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